Saturday, May 26, 2007

Go Dookies!

One win away from being the National Champs in Lacrosse.

I will be very happy if this happens. Not only because I actually like Duke but because this will be a huge slap in the face to anyone who jump on the bandwagon of "guilty until proven innocent." Like those wonderful chaps over at the New Black Panther Party. What a fine group of upstanding citizens they are. (Michelle Malkin '08!!)

I think the NC Bar Association should make Nifong streak across the field at half time. If he does that then he can keep his law license. It think that level of humiliation is the only way he will fully understand the consequences of his actions or inaction--however you look at it.


Spacely McParkerson said...

At least the G-D's (Great Danes, not that other GD saying) could beat the Johnnies!!!

You'll gettim next year. Now linking to sharkswithlaserbeams!!!

TG said...

Well they lost by one goal. Too bad. Maybe next year.

The really funny thing is that more people watched that event than the first game of the Stanley Cup finals.

I guess ESPN has Nifong to thank for that.