Monday, July 14, 2008

Thanks to Shimano's kick ass web site. If you ever have a problem with adjusting your brakes or derailuers and they are Shimano (why would buy anything else?) then check out their site. It was very helpful.

Shimano's Web Site

I just cannot get over how bad I did it the first time. I pulled the tension too tight the first time. Who would have thought you could do that? The cable was so tight that the shifter could not pull the derailuer enough over the big ring. So instead of using a cable puller when I put on the second cable I just pulled it tight with my hand. Worked like a charm.

Now my bottom bracket is squeaking.....

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Deadly Helium Leak on the Space Shuttle

Wow! This is huge! Two astronauts die in space after a deadly helium leak....or not! :)

Tiny Weeny URL Link

Monday, April 28, 2008

This is one of the best websites ever. Well, at least if you are cycling nut like me.

They use Google Map's API to pull in all the data. It's a lot like GMaps but this one seems to have better integration with Google Maps. It is much faster for starters. It also has features that allow you to see the elevation gain over the course of a ride, create cue sheets by just typing in text at turns and it follows the road for you so you do not have to sit there and trace the road yourself. There are a few kinks in it but overall it's a great site.

I have plotted a number of routes so far. Some notables:
  • CBC 50 Mile Ride - starts at CBC and does a 50 loop around Holly Springs.

  • CSH to Moncure - starts at CSH in Cary and does the Moncure route via Pea Rdige.

  • 181 & Grandfather Mountain - the last ~50 miles of Bridge to Bridge! The elevation graph on this does not do it justice. You have to look at the elevation gain to the left to understand how much climbing this really is. HWY 181 is about 14 miles long and it averages about 7%.

  • Ice Cream Ride - ride from The Bicycle Chain 35 miles to Maple View Farm. Eat ice cream and hope you don't have to take a massive dump on the ride back. :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Messing with People

Sometimes the internet is a ton of fun.

I went on Facebook and joined one of the countless Obama Groups. I posted this to the discussion board:
It is very disturbing that people would get behind any politician like this. The Hope picture that has been posted here reminds me of the posters of Lenin and Stalin and we all know what their ideas did to this world.

Please, for the sake of liberty, do not vote for this guy or any of the other people running. Do not waste your time putting your faith in politicians like this. Politicians like Obama, Clinton, Bush and McCain are only interested in themselves and their own bank accounts. They will say anything and do anything to get you to support them and when you do they will take everything that they can from you. And they will always say it's for the greater good.

Put your faith in yourself and those around you. Stand up for liberty and true freedom and not an "ism" ideology. If you want to help your fellow man then stop wasting your time and energy supporting politicians and go out and help people. That would be a truly remarkable change. Never put your faith behind an idea that allows others to dictate your future or the future of your fellow man.

Link to post (probably will be deleted)

My freinds. I love all of you. But damn it, if you support Obama you are frickin' commie!

Then I was on (which is killer web site, you can watch old Buck Rogers shows! Erin Grey was so hot!). I ran across a web site called Bad Astronomy. It's a cool blog site but the guy that runs it is a wee bit over zealous about being a "SCIENTIST!" (you have to say SCIENTIST in a dark loud booming voice there to get the full effect).

He was ranting about that movie Expelled that is coming out about how some people are getting screwed by professors in major universities for their stand on I.D. and evolution. I posted this reply in the name of Jeebus---our beloved savior **cough cough**:

I have not seen the movie Expelled (and I know for fact that most of you haven’t either) but from what I have seen in the ads it seems like everyone is getting their wires crossed here.

I.D. is not science, it’s philosophy. The theory of evolution is not philosophy, it’s science.

Science attempts to explain how things work.

Philosophy attempts to explain why things work.

So, for the love of everything that is holy, could you all please shut up? My Father didn’t invent this stuff for you “rats” to screw around with. And I didn’t hang on a cross for an entire day for this either.

If the scientists and the philosophers cannot play nice then I’m going to have to come down there take everyone’s apples away and keep raising oil prices.

Link to post (this one will definitely be deleted)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Great Video Game!

Crayon Physics - this game is so cool! Built in about a week by Kloonigames.

If you read through the blog then you'll see that they are working on the Deluxe version now. The current download only lets you make square boxes...but it's still a great game. You can sign up for alerts when the next version is released.

Can you imagine playing this on the Wii? It would be the biggest college drinking game since Asshole.

Pissing People Off - Vitrually

So I think I pissed some people off over at on the forums. Someone posted this video that Pearl Iumzi put out:

Thread on

If you watch the video then you'll see that it's more about a political crusade against oil companies, saving whales and all kinds of enviro-BS. So I posted this comment:

I don't ride my bike to save trees, bring down oil companies, save whales or whatever is pissing off the EPA this month. I just want to be treated like a human being when I'm out there riding and I want our government to enforce the laws we all agree to.

So aside from the Mother Earth crap, that was a good video.

I don't think that anyone liked that.

But truth be told, what difference are you going to make to the world by riding your bike more? It will get you in better shape and that's pretty much the extent of it. Oh, and you will save money on gasoline since it's over $3 a gallon now.

Here's a better option...

Empty your 401K, invest all that loot in barrels of oil, gold and then you can buy a sweet ass ride like this...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cobra Commander '08!

Hell, why not!? He can't be any worse than Hillary, Obama or McCain.

Video Link

Monday, February 11, 2008

Top Ten

Top Ten signs That You Ride Your Bike Too Much
  • You can tell when someone has their back brake open...from three bike lengths away.
  • Your monthly budget has line items in it for Gel Packs, Cyto-Max, CO2 refills and boots.
  • You actually know that a boot doesn't go on your foot.
  • When you are driving up a steep hill you think, "Hmmm, 38/23 or 38/25?"
  • You know that Rim Tape and Carbon Cages are not sex toys.
  • You know what the word echelon means.
  • Your laundry loads are divided into: whites, colors and stuff that must be dry by 8 AM Saturday morning.
  • When you are shirtless, it still looks like you have a t-shirt on thanks to that awesome tan!
  • When you are driving in your car you point out holes in the road to other drivers behind you.
  • When you are stuffed up you think, "Tissue or Snot-Rocket?"