Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So there's all this crap going on again about Floyd Landis' blood sample again.

Google News Link

What I don't get about this whole thing is that this same nonsense has been said before. Pick up any publication about Landis in the last year and everytime the report will say that something illegal was found in is samples. But this was never the case. Now all of sudden another flood of articles comes out again saying the same thing.

You have to ask....how many times does it take for a lie to be printed before it becomes the truth?

Speaking of which....

Global Warming Swindle

1 comment:

DBrower said...

Hi, we linked your comment into our roundup of Landis news at trust but verify.

The link you give to google news search is going to age badly. Anyone who wants current coverage can find it at...