Friday, June 1, 2007

Fair Tax

The Fair Tax. I think this is a really good idea. I have heard Neil Boortz talk about it quite a bit. It sounded a bit far fetched but after reading the web site more it makes a lot of sense.

I got hosed on taxes this year. I paid a shit load during the year and got back a lousy $137. Meanwhile, folks like John "Pissy Republican" McCain and Ted "MADD Spokesman" Kennedy get all their lunches and clothes for free. Anything that will allow me to control the size of my checkbook and keep hypo-critics like them out of my business gets a thumbs up from me.

In reality, it will never happen. There are far too many people who make a killing off our tax system--even in the private sector. Think of all the accountants and lawyers that make money off people who cannot figure out what changes there have been in the tax code in any given year. The complexity of the current system benefits them tremendously. These people will never support the fair tax because if it passed then they would have to find different jobs. Therefore, they will put their money behind any criticism of the fair tax regardless if the arguments are sound or not.

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